Asphalt is the preferred material for driveway paving. A well maintained asphalt driveway can last up to 30 years before it needs to be replaced. Your new asphalt driveway should be sealcoated every 2-5 years to prevent water from entering the subbase. This will maintain the look and feel of the paved surface, while preventing the progression of damage from the sun and weather. For a durable, flexible paving surface that will stand the test of time, a properly laid asphalt surface is your best choice.

Asphalt Paving

Everyone enjoys driving onto a freshly paved sealed parking lot surface. A sealcoat can help a driveway to appear brand new and is a great way to increase the curb appeal of your home.
Sealcoating is the application of a thin coat of coal tar pitch or asphalt emulsion mixed with inert fillers, water, emulsifying agents or additives. Sealcoating with quality materials and techniques will prevent damage from water seepage, oil spills, oxidation, and will improve the durability of the surface overall. It is estimated that sealcoated pavements last 30% to 50% longer than unsealed pavements, and result in a safer, smoother surface.
An asphalt driveway can last up to 30 years before it needs to be replaced, but the life of your driveway can be significantly reduced if you do not seal your driveway once every 2 to 5 years. Without regular maintenance, sun and weather damage will result in cracking, allowing water to enter the subbase of the driveway, ultimately undermining the entire surface. Maintenance of your driveway with sealcoat is far more cost effective than allowing your subbase to become damaged.

Basketball & Tennis Courts
When paving areas for basketball or tennis, it is essential to have proper sloping to avoid puddles, and a firm and precise subbase to prevent dips and imperfections from developing in the surface. Otherwise, your balls may bounce off in wild directions, taking away from the joy of having one’s own playing surface. With three generations of paving experience, our crews can expertly install a playing court that your family can enjoy for a long time.

Crack Filling & Repair
Crack Filling is an important step in driveway maintenance. Open cracks in pavement invite disaster. When water seeps into the subbase, it’s a matter of time before the entire paved surface is crumbling. It’s much more affordable to repair cracks as they appear than it is to wait for a complete rip up and replace of the subbase.